
  1. Decaying turbulence beneath surface waves
    Gregory L Wagner, Navid C Constantinou
    Journal of Fluid Mechanics, submitted

  2. High-level, high-resolution ocean modeling at all scales with Oceananigans
    Gregory L Wagner, Simone Silvestri, Navid C Constantinou, Ali Ramadhan, Jean-Michel Campin, Chris Hill, Tomás Chor, Jago Strong-Wright, Xin Kai Lee, Francis Poulin, Andre Souza, Keaton J Burns, John Marshall, and Raffaele Ferrari
    Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, submitted

  3. Formulation and calibration of CATKE, a one-equation parameterization for microscale ocean mixing
    Gregory L Wagner, Adeline Hillier, Navid C Constantinou, Simone Silvestri, Andre Souza, Keaton Burns, Ali Ramadhan, Chris Hill, Jean-Michel Campin, John Marshall, and Raffaele Ferrari
    Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, accepted

  4. A GPU-based ocean dynamical core for routine mesoscale-resolving climate simulations
    Simone Silvestri, Gregory L Wagner, Navid C Constantinou, Christopher N. Hill, Jean-Michel Campin, Andre Nogueira Souza, Siddartha Bishnu, Valentin Churavy, John C Marshall, Raffaele Ferrari
    Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 2024

  5. A new WENO-based momentum advection scheme for simulations of ocean mesoscale turbulence
    Simone Silvestri, Gregory L Wagner, Jean-Michel Campin, Navid C Constantinou, Christopher N. Hill, Andre Nogueira Souza, Raffaele Ferrari Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 2024

  6. Stokes drift should not be added to ocean general circulation model velocities
    Gregory L Wagner, Navid C Constantinou, and Brandon Reichl

  7. Transition to turbulence in wind-drift layers
    Gregory L Wagner, Nick Pizzo, Luc Lenain, Fabrice Veron Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2023

  8. Epidemic management and control through risk-dependent individual contact interventions
    Tapio Schneider, Oliver RA Dunbar, Jinlong Wu, Lucas Böttcher, Dmitry Burov, Alfredo Garbuno-Inigo, Gregory L Wagner, Sen Pei, Chiara Daraio, Raffaele Ferrari, Jeffrey Shaman PLOS Computational Biology, 2022

  9. Near-inertial waves and turbulence driven by the growth of swell
    Gregory L Wagner, Ali Ramadhan, Greg C Chini, Basile Gallet, and Raffaele Ferrari Journal of Physical Oceanography, 2021

  10. Oceananigans.jl: Fast and friendly geophysical fluid dynamics on GPUs
    Ali Ramadhan, Gregory L Wagner, Chris Hill, Jean-Michel Campin, Valentin Churavy, Tim Besard, Andre Souza, Alan Edelman, Raffaele Ferrari, John Marshall Journal of Open Source Software, 2020

  11. Uncertainty quantification of ocean parameterizations: application to the K-Profile-Parameterization for penetrative convection
    Andre Souza, Gregory L Wagner, Ali Ramadhan, Brandon Allen, Valentin Churavy, James Schloss, Jean-Michel Campin, Chris Hill, Alan Edelman, John Marshall, Glenn Flierl, Raffaele Ferrari Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 2020

  12. Squeeze dispersion: modulation of diapycnal mixing by diapycnal strain
    Gregory L Wagner, Glenn Flierl, Raffaele Ferrari, Gunnar Voet, Glenn S Carter, Matthew H Alford, James B Girton Geophysical Research Letters, 2019

  13. Stimulated generation: extraction of energy from balanced flow by near-inertial waves
    Cesar B Rocha, Gregory L Wagner, and William R Young Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2018

  14. An asymptotic model for the propagation of internal tides through quasi-geostrophic flow
    Gregory L Wagner, Gwenael Ferrando and William R Young Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2017

  15. A three-component model for the coupled evolution of near-inertial waves, quasi-geostrophic flow, and the near-inertial second harmonic
    Gregory L Wagner and William R Young Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2016

  16. A tale of two spicy seas
    Jennifer A MacKinnon et al. Oceanography, 2016

  17. Acoustically propelled nanoshells
    Fernando Soto, Gregory L Wagner, Victor Garcia-Gradilla, Kyle T Gillespie, Deepak R Lakshmipathy, Emil Karshalev, Chava Angell, Yi Chen, Joseph Wang Nanoscale, 2016

  18. Available potential vorticity and wave-averaged quasi-geostrophic flow
    Gregory L Wagner and William R Young Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2015

  19. Mixing by microorganisms in stratified fluids
    Gregory L Wagner, Eric Lauga, and William R Young Journal of Marine Research, 2014

  20. Bubble-Propelled Micromotors for Enhanced Transport of Passive Tracers
    Jahir Orozco et al. Langmuir, 2014

  21. Crawling scallop: Friction-based locomotion with one degree of freedom
    Gregory L Wagner and Eric Lauga Journal of Theoretical Biology, 2013

  22. Specific Charge Control for Micro/Nano-Particle Electrostatic Propulsion
    Thomas Liu, Gregory Wagner, Alec Gallimore, Brian Gilchrist, Peter Peterson AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference, 2009

My doctoral dissertation